Kevin Pike Called

Kevin Pike. Legendary Special Effects Guru.
Kevin Pike.
Legendary Special Effects Guru.

Well as I hinted yesterday, I’ve been trying to line up an interview with special effects veteran Kevin Pike who started his career on Jaws. Well tonight after a couple of emails to and fro, my phone rang and it was Mr Pike himself.  I was rather taken aback to receive a call from a genuine special effects hero whilst I was serving up dinner for my kids.

If you don’t know who Kevin is, just check out his credits list on IMDB!

After chatting for 15 minutes or so, he said he’d happily contribute to my project despite having a very busy schedule.  I must say that I am very excited about this. I might even ask him about his legendary involvement in Back to the Future. You never know, Going Back, A Filmumentary might be a reality one day!

About filmumentaries 158 Articles
Creator of the Filmumentary (TM) format.

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