Just some of the kind words of feedback I’ve received over the years.

The Filmumentaries Podcast

“An incredible treasure trove of amazing movie knowledge.”

So many nuggets of gold in these interviews. Joyful to listen to, as Jamie puts his interviewees at ease, but also so educational about a snapshot of film history too. Keep up the amazing work.

“Think you know filmmaking?”

Been a fan of Jamie’s Filmumentary work for a while, and his podcast is a wonderful addition to his love of exploring the creative people behind the magic of film. I find this to be a perfect accompaniment to settling down to paint, and the interviews feel very personal and honest while also being very informative and inspiring.
Graeme Neil Reid

Inside Jaws (2014)

“Mr. Benning’s works are invaluable educational tools for my students at Clemson. His sense of structure, timing, & composition are superb. His ‘filmumentaries’ help show how good, practiced authors weave original sources, research, and voices into a magnificent piece of rhetoric.”
Allen Swords, Senior Lecturer at Clemson University

“A Film Fan’s Love Letter to Jaws… meticulously crafted mashups, loaded with unusual facts and teeming with scraps of rare video and audio.”
Erik Olsen, New York Times

“Jamie makes some of the most entertaining, informative, and lovingly crafted documentaries I have ever seen.”
Robert Krekel, Sound Designer (The Last of Us)

“It’s like the best commentary you’ve ever heard.”
Paul Harris, America Weekend Radio

“Mind-blowing in so many ways… Every geek is eternally indebted to you, Jamie!”
Chris Jones, Filmmaker

“Inside Jaws is a brilliant look at the making of one of Spielberg’s masterpieces. The sheer wealth of new and exciting material makes this an essential companion piece to the film.”
Mustapha Kseibati, Filmmaker

Building Empire (2006)

“Building Empire is not only the best film on Star Wars I’ve ever seen, it’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen. Jamie’s appreciation of traditional storytelling combined with his ability to push the boundaries on how those stories are told is what brings his films so close to the Lucas ideal.”
Giles Terera, Olivier Award-Winning Actor/Director

“A fan documentary like no other on the planet… insightful and more than worth the time it takes to watch.”

Returning to Jedi (2008)

“As one of the people inside Jabba at the time (I’m the one in the yellow sweater), I can only say how vividly this documentary brings back memories—more so than the ‘official’ making-of movies. For all the wonderful atmosphere in the finished film, this captures the feel of being backstage and on set better than anything I know.”
Toby Philpott, Jabba the Hutt Puppeteer

Star Wars Begins (2011)

“Jamie’s Filmumentaries are a revelation and a revolution. When I write my LEGO Star Wars specials, I keep one eye on the script and one eye on Jamie’s amazingly multi-layered tours of the making of the original trilogy.”
Michael Price, Writer/Director (The Simpsons, LEGO Star Wars)

“Jamie’s Filmumentaries are fascinating, entertaining, informative, and addicting—so, you have been warned.”
David Silverman, Director (The Simpsons, Monsters, Inc.)

“It’s nearly two and a half hours of nerd paradise.”
Mike Hale, New York Times

“Jamie Benning has created a series of Star Wars documentaries that have taken the internet by storm. Even die-hard Jedis declare they learned more from his docs than from 30 years of fandom.”

Raiding the Lost Ark (2013)

“Had a dream last night I was making a Raiders doc. No joke! But after watching yours months ago, there’s no need. Excellent work!”
Charles de Lauzirika, Producer (Blade Runner: The Final Cut)

“Jamie Benning is an outstanding human being… he’s poured hours, days, weeks, months into collating and cutting together videos that illuminate and educate.”
Ali Plumb, Empire Magazine

“Oh heck yeah. It’s impressive… this is the way we would like our supplement material. I think it speaks to a lack of satisfaction with the DVD industry.”
Scott Weinberg, Movies.com

“Raiding is jam-packed with amazing facts and insights into the creative process.”
Nathan Barry, Wired Geek Dad

“For fans of the Indiana Jones franchise, Raiding The Lost Ark is simply essential viewing.”

More Praise

“Your pieces go where the sanitized versions will not tread and always celebrate the film in question by providing an honest account of their creation. I really appreciate what you do—you are changing the industry for the better in your own small, but valuable way.”
Vimeo user comment

“Watching one of Jamie Benning’s Filmumentaries is like watching one of your favorite movies with the ultimate commentary track.”
Forrest Wickham, Slate.com

“Taking passion projects to a whole new level… that’s a win for fan art.”
Kirsty Puchko, Cinemablend.com

Want to hear more?

Check out The Filmumentaries Podcast or explore my Filmumentaries to dive into the behind-the-scenes magic of your favorite films!



  1. How can I purchase the DVDs of your filmumentaries? I’ve seen the StarWars ones on YouTube and Vimeo before they were removed, but only saw a bit of the Raiders and I’m looking forward to Jaws. I would love to see the entire Raiders, so please let me know what I can do to see it. Thanks, and keep up the great work! — Jeffrey

    • Hi, thanks for getting in touch. Check out the FAQ and you’ll see that you can’t purchase these filmumentaries. You can however download them on Vimeo if you log in. Raiding is there too – http://vimeo.com/user5888890

  2. Hello Sir
    just two days ago i stumbled upon your work on Vimeo and all i can say is….how have i missed you?!?!?!

    Truly it was one of those rare and delicious moments when you hit on something online that just tickles you pink and you cant help but walk around with the biggest grin on your face!
    It also thrills me to see others share my enthusiasm for the behind the scenes and making of.

    I buy my dvds/blurays based on the amount of extras they have (the films are usually irrelevant to me – prime example ‘Prometheus’, horrible film but over 2 and a half hours of a ‘making of’….i was in heaven!).
    So to come across something like this is, for me, like cheap wine to a bum – i just cant get enough!

    So i tip my hat and extend a virtual pat on the shoulder to some utter fantastic work! I do hope some one recognizes the time, dedication and utter love you have poured into your work and gives you high praise! 🙂

    I await, eagerly and with baited breath, for your next masterpiece.

    Another fan in your growing ranks

    • Well firstly thanks for getting in touch. Its great to hear people are stumbling across the projects and feeling like they’ve hit gold. Thanks also for your very kind words. They really do mean a lot to me. Thanks again.

  3. Jamie…. Brilliant work on all your filmumentaries! I by chance came across the Jaws one on line an really wondered if there could be any new making of info out there. Well you found it and presented it all in a fun an fascinating way. I found myself watching all your “tributes” to the favorite films of my youth! Each and every one was a gem! Steven and George should be paying you for your amazing efforts! For that matter they should considering releasing your films on their blu-ray releases!
    I’m a set designer and have designed for theatre, film, and tv (currently on Boardwalk Empire) and can say that one of my great dreams was to have a chance to work on a Speilberg film and it finally came true when I was an art director on the New York team of War of the Worlds. It was amazing to watch the master at work!
    Curious any ideal what film you will be doing next? So many great films to dive into! Have you considered E.T.?
    Well must wrap this up… Just wanted to congratulate you on your amazing work! Keep it up!

  4. By the way… Don’t know how you feel about the great Epics of the 50-60’s but one of the most fascinating behind the scenes movie of all times is the Elizabeth Taylor Cleopatra. It is infinitely more fascinating and exciting then the film itself. Take a peak at the documentary on the blu-ray for that film and you may find there is a lot of I detailed treasures to be found there!

    • Hi Dan, thanks for the enthusiasm. Wow you’ve worked on some great projects yourself then!
      I have thought of doing E.T. I think I am going to tackle BTTF and Ghostbusters first though. Listen to me mapping out the next two and a half years of my life!
      Thanks for the support and feedback Dan, I am very grateful!

      • Jamie…
        Thanks for responding! Keep up the great work! Looking forward to your next piece. Don’t know how you get the time to do these!

  5. In my opinion, you have an unusually unique talent for breathing new life into movies we thought we already knew everything about . Even though I consider it a gift you possess, I understand the undoubtedly meticulous work that must have gone into this project. I admire it (and I’m immensely grateful for the winning effort!) I just watched your Jaws filmumentary and was captivated pretty much from start to finish. I’ve bought every Jaws release on many DVDs including the bluray. I’ve watched all of the documentaries, dvd extras, deleted scenes, interviews and read “The Jaws Log”. I thought I knew everything about the film until I stumbled upon your work and was sort of given a reintroduction to the making of the movie, which for me is almost as great as the movie! I’ve been to the Vineyard, visited several filming locations and jumped off of what the locals call “Jaws Bridge” on State beach. I always thought an amazing movie could be made about that time on Martha’s Vineyard back in 1974. It just seemed like such an awesome thing to be a part of (making that film on the island.) It would be the next best thing for me, other than actually living through it. Your work has brought me a bit closer to imagining what that fantasy would be like!– thank you! As soon as I have the chance I’ll be watching your other filmumentaries. I don’t think I can over state how much better you are than the professionals who are paid (very well) to produce work similar to yours. I was genuinely impressed and enjoyed “Inside Jaws” more than my words can express. I could go on, but I’m sure your fan base is about to sky rocket (if it hasn’t exploded already.) Your time is a truly valuable asset and I won’t take up much more of it. I hope my gratitude finds you. I hope you continue to do what you do!!! Thanks again!

      • You’re very welcome. I’m actually blown away that you did this project in your spare time (and that you gave me a quick response!). As I said before it takes unusual talent and intellect, but I’m also sure it can be tediously hard work.
        If you’re looking for ideas beyond GhostBusters, which I’m looking forward to…would you consider “The Wizard of Oz”? I haven’t watched it in years. But saw it every year, once a year, throughout my childhood. It aired on network television in the U.S. I just had a baby boy so the movie will definetly be on my Queue sometime in the next 3 to 5 years. I know it’s ancient and a children’s movie, but I think you might strike gold if you could uncover some rare footage or possibly contact a survivor from the movie. Though, by now, you might need to settle for a survivor’s son or daughter. I just think with the on screen hanging (supposedly) and the enormous cast of little people (how were they treated, paid, etc.) It might be an interesting project.
        Also, on the complete opposite end of the rainbow–“Deliverance”. I know it’s dark. And the nerds might not come running, but it will attract a different group of fans. Burt Reynolds had some intriguing things to say about his time on the set, and he’s actually a pretty good story teller. The movie, to me, is more of a crazy ride–the first time you watch it. You’re not sure you should have got on, but you’re stuck seated till the credits roll.
        Just some ideas. I’d imagine you really need to love these movies in order to put your heart into them, the way you did with “Inside Jaws.” So eventhough I’d love to see you do a filmumentary on one of the above, I’m anxiously anticipating Ghostbusters. So, again thanks for getting back to me. And for selfish reasons, I sincerely hope you get to one day do this full time.

  6. HI Jamie,
    I’m the Head of Marketing & Creative consultant over at eightfiftysix.com
    A website that’s about to go live in the next 10 days.
    Among my jobs is a podcast that I host, PRC5, which again will be going live soon.
    We’re going to be recording a documentary podcast soon & would love to have you on as a guest to not only talk about your finished filmumentaries but also on the concept in large.
    If you have time for a 10 minute or 45 minute interview either would be great.
    Please get a hold of me when you can.

  7. I was searching through Vimeo for behind the scenes footage of Raiders when I found your Filmumentary. I dare to say I had as much fun watching your film as I do with Raiders! I’ve been sharing your work with my filmmaking friends ever since. All of your films are amazing and valuable contributions to the art of filmmaking. I just want to say thank you! I look forward to more. Cheers!

  8. Hi filmumentaries allow me to introduce myself I’m Lucas Jordan Walker I’m a huge fan of the movies and Hollywood stuff especially George Lucas and Steven Spielberg and Star Wars and Jurassic Park/world and skywalker sound and industrial light and magic and sound effects and vfx etc. I have a question for you do you know anything about sound effects especially lion and tiger roars and animals and wild animals and Halloween and cartoons and animation and etc. because I’m looking for the right film historian who learns and studies and researches the history and archives of sound effects especially skywalker sound and my favorite movie sounds like King Kong and Leo the MGM lion logo and lions and tigers roars and animals and Halloween and cartoons and animation and etc. can you please answer that?

    Lucas Walker.

    • I’m not knowledgable about such things. Gary Rydstrom is your man. Look up videos of him on youtube talking about how he made the sounds for the dinosaurs etc

  9. Does anyone know how I can reach out to Ben Burtt and skywalker sound and industrial light and magic by fan mail or agent or manager or publicist or phone or email or event or convention or expo or something because I just want to ask Ben Burtt and skywalker sound and industrial light and magic my questions about how I can get in to the industry and have those professionals mentor me and get enough experience and learn and study and research it real well real fast and what colleges and universities and film schools they are affiliated with and has good connections with them and so I would become a better sound effects and animation and visual effects professional and filmmaker someday so yeah can someone please give me some resources and information on how I can reach out to them directly and if anybody would like to reach out to me by phone or email and send the information and resources to me that way if possible please let me know my email is lucaswalker1995@yahoo.com and my phone number is +13529311430 because it’s my life long dream to work in Hollywood especially with skywalker sound and Ben Burtt and ILM and sound effects and animation and visual effects and filmmaking someday thank you all and take care?

    Lucas Walker.

  10. Hi Jamie
    Love the podcasts! They’re a wonderful listen and a great way to document the amazing work of very talented people
    Is there a way I can contact you in order to put you in touch with someone who I think would be a perfect guest for your show?
    Keep up the great work

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