Below Is a selection of some of my videos on Vimeo.  I hope you enjoy them. Please do take the time to comment or ‘like’ where appropriate.  After that there are a couple of interviews with me from NPR in the States and BBC’s Radio 4 Film Programme here in the UK.

Ivor Powell – Part1 – The Beginning (2021)

Robert Watts – A Life in Film (2018)

Star Wars In Numbers (2017)

Do Or Do Not – Dave Barclay (2016)

Inside Jaws – A Filmumentary (2013)

Raiding the Lost Ark – A Filmumentary (2012)

Star Wars Begins – The Complete Documentary (2011)

Returning to Jedi – The Complete Documentary (2008)

Building Empire – The Complete Documentary (2006/8)

NPR – Article and Radio Programme by Beth Accomando 

BBC Radio 4 Film Programme Interview with Francine Stock


  1. Hi again,
    I have just spent the day geeking out to Building the Empire, which is fantastic! I just have one question: at 52:03 – 52:05 after R2 gets swallowed by the Dagobah monster, you can see a silhouette running from the top left hand side of the screen. It does not seem to me that this person is Luke, as it doesn’t seem to fit in with where he is. Do you know if it was meant to be him?


  2. Your Star Wars commentaries were absolutely fantastic, was loving every second until… they disappeared today! These videos have been my life-line at uni, watching them each day has kept me sane and now I have nothing satisfy my inner Star-Wars nerd (except the blu-rays, but still!).
    Kudos to you though, I eagerly anticipate watching the Raiders one, and the Jaws one in the future 🙂 from one fan to another, you sir are amazing. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put the vids up again!!

  3. Hi there Jamie,
    I just wanted to say thank you for your fantastic work on the Star Wars Filmumentaries. I’ve enjoyed them hugely and as a younger fan of the franchise not alive when the original trilogy was released, your films really helped me realise the impact and context that made Star Wars the legend that it is today. I can only imagine the amount of work that went into making them, do you have any plans to update them with the newly released Blu-ray missing scenes and stuff? Just a thought.
    Anyway, thank you again 🙂

    • Hi,

      Thanks for the kind comments. Great that these docos appeal to the younger fan and not just us old cynics.

      I don’t have any plans as yet to update them.


  4. Hi Jamie,

    have you any idea where i would be able to get a copy of Star Wars : The Lost Cut.

    I have been trying to find it since I saw the clips in your video.



    • It only exists in the Lucasfilm archives. It’s never been publicly released, just those snippets.

  5. Hi Jamie – would love to talk with you about doing an interview on the national program America Weekend (Envision Radio Network). Thanks!

  6. Hi Jamie,
    Wow! I’m so glad I heard about you and your work. These are clearly labors of love, beautifully done. In the early 1990’s, I worked as a PA at Matte World, which was Mike Pangrazio’s and Craig Barron’s effects shop. I learned there how much painstaking work goes into every shot, and how much is never used (that can be really disappointing). Most of all I learned to appreciate the talents and efforts of the artists and craftspeople involved. It was fascinating, and your work takes me back in a wonderful way. Thank you very much for all of your efforts!

    Kathleen in San Francisco

    • Hi Kathleen,

      So great to hear from you! Where did you hear about my work?

      Mike Pangrazio is one of many of these unsung heroes of film making. Please do pass on my work to your colleagues.

      Thanks so much.
      Jamie in London.

  7. Love your filmumentaries any chance you might be considering doing Temple of Doom and Last Crusade from the Indiana Jones Franchise.

    Some other films that I would like to see as your amazing documentaries are Back to the Future Trilogy maybe even Aliens Trilogy would be good as well.

    Thanks for your hard work

  8. Question, why does starwars begins just stop right after Carrie is talking about wanting to change her lines like Harrison? if it’s the “Complete Documentary” it sure didn’t seem like it…

  9. Hi Jamie.
    I am totally amazed by your Filmumentaries (TM) !
    Love to watch them ever and ever again.
    Curious about your next project !
    Thank you for your great work.

  10. Absolutly stunned!!! Your work is beyound fantastic. How time consuming this must be! – What can I say thats not allready been said…
    Hope to read about your next project soon 🙂
    BTTF, Temple of Doom, Last Crusade, The Goood, bad and Ugly, Alien, Gremlins, Ghostbusters… the wishlist is long…
    Lets see what you come up with 🙂

    • Many thanks! The next project is a bit left of field. But should be great and a bit if an education.

  11. These are absolutely incredible! I sincerely hope these get the recognition and praise they deserve in some form or fashion. Thank you for all your hard work and thank you for making them available to everyone.

    • Thanks so much. I am so pleased you enjoyed them. Hopefully things are moving forward so that I can make some ‘official’ filmumentaries in the coming years!

  12. Hi Jamie,

    Very good work you are doing dude!

    Its been a long time but I always knew you would do very well in this field. Through challenging times while we were @ South East Essex College coming home late nights going through the Dartford Crossing etc… Thanks for the lifts.

    Keep up the good work!..

  13. Hi Jamie,
    My nonprofit would like to purchase one of your works. Can I contact you off line by e-mail to give you the details of our idea?

  14. Hi Jamie

    Long time no hear mate. I was watching The Last Crusade today. It’s been a while, what a great movie. Have you any plans to do a filmumentary on The Last Cursade?

    Best wishes

  15. Hi Jamie,

    I love your Star Wars documentaries! The videos on Vimeo are in 720p; would you happen to have higher-quality 1080p versions available?


    • Hi, they were made back in the early 2000’s. I only had a G4 and G5 mac at the time. So I was technically restricted. They don’t exist in anything higher that 720p I’m afraid. While I’ve considered re-making them, it would be such a mammoth task. And quite honestly, I don’t have the time these days. Thanks for the kind words!

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