79 – Miki Herman – Lucasfilm Production Manager

A young Miki Herman, with dark, permed hair using a paintbrush to touch up the C3PO mask
Miki had hands-on

My conversation today is with long time Lucasfilm film employee Miki Herman. She was engaged at Lucasfilm during the production of Star Wars and stayed long enough to work on the Ewok and Droids cartoons.

She worked on the original Star Wars trilogy as production assistant, production coordinator and unit production manager, respectively. She was later a consultant for The Star Wars Holiday Special and became co-executive producer of the Star Wars Droids and Ewoks animated series.

Now, I always feel like I make a connection with my interviewees and Miki is no exception. She was smiling and occasionally laughing. But something seemed a little off. I’m not sure if my connection was delayed to her or something else was going on. But sometimes Miki’s answers were quite short.

So, todays conversation as I mentioned, is a little shorter than usual. But still worth your time.

Big thanks for Miki for her time.

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  1. I’m glad you interviewed Miki because having worn many hats in the Lucasfilm that existed at that time and done her jobs very well, she should be interviewed in depth. (I too was at Lucasfilm in the 80s and know her). But I’m mystified by your saying that something seemed “off, ” leaving a vaguely negative impression. She readily answered all your questions; there were no noticeable gaps. If she didn’t remember something, she said so (and who would remember who he sat next to at a screening in 1975?) but otherwise spoke warmly and enthusiastically. The interview would have been longer if you had asked her more questions. From some of your comments, I got the impression that you had run out of them. She certainly felt a connection with you or she wouldn’t have invited you to meet her if you ever got to California again. Still, thanks for your interviews of so many people who worked on the Lucas films.

    • You’re absolutely right. I’ve edited the podcast intro and outro to remove my unfair comments.

      Having listened back to the original recording, there was something definitely off. But the edited version sounds just fine. So now you won’t hear me commenting about the connection or Miki’s responses.

      Thanks for pulling me up on this.

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