Filmumentaries is not a group or a company, it’s just me, Jamie Benning. Though I couldn’t do it without the occassional collaboration of my wonderfully creative friends. Paddy Tyndall (camera), Mike Hewitt Brown (music) and Pete Starling (artwork), Liam Brazier and Neil Wallace (Graphics) . You are all amazing.
I’m in my late forties. I live in South East London in the UK. I’m a life long movie fan. Like many kids of the 70s and 80s, Star Wars was a massive influence on me as a kid. Yes, I had all the figures and ships. Well…not all of them, that would be crazy. My parents weren’t made of money! [Checks eBay to see how much this might now cost…Blimey!].
I’m a dad to three wonderful daughters and husband to my gorgeous and intelligent Health Coach wife –
As well as creating my own videos and podcasts, I work as a live editor and occasional director in sports television. Mostly, but not exclusively on Formula 1 races. For the most part that has meant travelling the world for twenty years visiting dozens of countries, experiencing new cultures and of course enjoying lots of exotic food. These days, thanks to Covid, much of my work is done remotely at a hub, regardless of where the outside broadcast event is. However this gives me more time to do the things I love.
As well as all this, I’ve also acted as consultant on a PS4 game (using my many years of motorsport broadcast experience) and on Disney+’s Prop Culture show back in 2019. Additionally I am an ambassador, trainer and consultant for EVS Broadcast Equipment. Training people in the art of replays since 2007. I’ve hosted several online seminars on the subject.
Recently I hosted at panel at Star Wars Celebration 2023, for Industrial Light and Magic (ILM). An experience that I am eager to recreate. So if you have a movie related Q&A, let me be your host/curator.
I’m happy to to say that I have a supportive family as well as good group of friends who keep me grounded as well as passionate about my film geek world.

I am available as a expert on Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jaws and as a creative team member (as Producer, Director Editor and consultant) on your production, whatever the subject as long as it’s movie related.
Two times Winner of Staff Pick