For this episode, number 68 I spoke with an animator at ILM, namely Hal Hickel. Now, if you’re on twitter you’ll know that Hal is a prolific tweeter. I’ve had a number of conversations with him online. Recently in one conversation it transpired that Hal had done some of the work on the 2004 version of Star Wars (A new hope), particularly on the redone Jabba scene. A redo of the 1997 special edition release. My friend Drew of Star Wars Visual Comparisons.
So I decided to approach Hal to come on the podcast and talk about that scene as well as many of the films he’s worked on over the years. Looking at my notes here for the keywords I’ll add to the podcast, we talk about Toy Story, Jurassic Park, Rogue One, The Life Aquatic and many more inbetween.
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